SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd
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Showing 865–888 of 1002 results for product
Society and Mental Health
₹46,196 -
Sociological Bulletin
₹10,860 -
Sociological Methodology
₹63,225 -
Sociological Methods & Research
₹172,732 -
Sociological Perspectives
₹78,332 -
Sociological Review
₹74,785 -
Sociological Theory
₹63,225 -
Sociology and Cultural Sociology Package
₹118,597 -
Sociology of Education
₹63,225 -
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
₹51,610 -
South African Journal of Psychology
₹113,867 -
South Asia Economic Journal
₹6,450 -
South Asia Research
₹9,180 -
South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
₹6,450 -
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
₹6,660 -
South Asian Journal of MacroEconomics and Public Finance
₹6,510 -
South Asian Survey
₹5,370 -
Space and Culture
₹174,915 -
State and Local Government Review
₹43,139 -
Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the
₹117,584 -
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
₹153,174 -
Statistical Modelling
₹45,180 -
Strategic Organization
₹119,273 -
Strength, Fracture and Complexity