SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd
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Showing 841–864 of 1000 results for product
Science, Technology & Human Values
₹141,788 -
Scottish Medical Journal
₹36,743 -
Second Language Research
₹87,798 -
Security Dialogue
₹132,872 -
SEDME (Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension Journal)
₹11,210 -
Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
₹92,608 -
Sexual Abuse
₹184,616 -
₹159,254 -
Shoulder & Elbow
₹74,767 -
SIMULATION including JDMS: The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology
₹151,244 -
Small Group Research
₹174,660 -
Social & Legal Studies
₹129,561 -
Social Change
₹10,610 -
Social Compass
₹72,952 -
Social Marketing Quarterly
₹52,613 -
Social Psychological and Personality Science
₹158,438 -
Social Psychology Quarterly
₹62,139 -
Social Science Computer Review
₹146,680 -
Social Science Information
₹107,879 -
Social Studies of Science
₹206,144 -
Society and Culture in South Asia
₹6,530 -
Society and Mental Health
₹45,403 -
Sociological Bulletin