SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd
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Showing 49–72 of 1002 results for product
Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology
₹112,040 -
Annals of Pharmacotherapy
₹99,552 -
Annals of the ICRP
₹105,307 -
Anthropological Theory
₹110,826 -
Antyajaa – Indian Journalof Women And Socialchange
₹6,100 -
Apollo Medicine
₹9,370 -
Applied Earth Science
₹66,451 -
Applied Psychological Measurement
₹184,696 -
Applied Spectroscopy
₹132,563 -
Archive for the Psychology of Religion/Archiv für Religionspsychologie
₹28,044 -
Armed Forces & Society
₹92,916 -
Arthaniti – Journal of Economic Theory & Practice
₹5,520 -
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education
₹68,703 -
Asia Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation
₹6,460 -
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health
₹72,132 -
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development
₹6,720 -
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
₹33,451 -
Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals
₹45,164 -
Asian Journal of Comparative Politics
₹81,881 -
Asian Journal of Legal Education
₹6,390 -
Asian Journal of Management Cases
₹5,580 -
₹121,733 -
Assessment for Effective Intervention
₹27,159 -
Asymptotic Analysis