Asian Journal of Comparative Politics

The Asian Journal of Comparative Politics (AJCP) targets the publication of theoretically or methodologically original articles that articulate conce … Read More

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SKU: 80301_113493 Categories: ,
Edition: International
Language: English
Published/Marketed by: SAGE Publications 80301
ISSN: 9772057891009
eISSN: 9772057892006

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About Asian Journal of Comparative Politics

The Asian Journal of Comparative Politics (AJCP) targets the publication of theoretically or methodologically original articles that articulate conceptual and theoretical perspectives in Comparative Politics, and it welcomes both quantitative and qualitative approaches. AJCP also targets the publication of short research notes that outline on-going research in more specific areas of study. AJCP is for political scientists all over the world. The core field of the journal is Comparative Politics with the focus on Asia. The journal covers all topics in this field; political behaviour and leadership (e.g., elections, corruption, and consensual versus dictatorial systems); institutions and regime (e.g., executives, legislatives and judiciaries, authoritarianism versus democracy); state-society relations (e.g., weak state and strong society); political culture (e.g., compliance prone versus defiance prone norms); and foreign policy and globalization (e.g., proactive versus reactive diplomacy and permeated versus isolated society). As Asia has a potential as one of the frontiers of comparative studies, it would also help generate new hitherto fore unknown findings in the West.However, this does not mean that the journal does not accept interdisciplinary approaches bridging the gap between Comparative Politics and other subfields of Political Science. For instance, the journal touches international relations. In an era of deep and wide globalization especially in a dynamic and diverse region called Asia, it is unthinkable for a journal of politics not to deal with international relations and global politics. The journal also seeks to bridge the gap between Political Science and other related fields such as Economics, History, Sociology, Psychology, and Medical Science. It is open to other academic areas and appreciates the benefits that emerge from those original research articles and notes of different academic traditions."The Asian Journal of Comparative Politics aims to provide analyses across states, beneath states and beyond states. The Journal goes beyond euro-centric conception of state and state systems without being Asia-centric. It aims to be global-centric in its approach, audience and methods. Only time will tell whether it passes this test. The AJCP will begin with 3 single theme based issues during first 3 Quarters. The first will look across nations and analyze 3 Elections in Asia during 2014-15, in India, Indonesia and Japan. The second issue will look beneath nations to explore how domestic debates among sub-national groups influence foreign affairs and regional relations. The focus will be on China and its neighbors in East Asia. The third issue will look beyond nations at how global 'Regimes' are setting rules and developing enforcement norms and instruments, thus creating a new space of Governance which confounds the state-centric sovereignty of the 20th century. Welcome to the Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, providing comparisons across states beneath states and beyond states." -Ijaz Shafi Gilani, Chairman, Gallup Pakistan, Pakistan. “The Asian Journal of Comparative Politics promises to become a vibrant meeting place for important comparative scholarship addressing issues central to the 21st century. Scholars take note!” Peter Katzenstein, the Walter S. Carpenter, Jr. Professor of International Studies, Cornell University and former President of the American Political Science Association.“Asia is the largest continent in the world, with the largest population (more than 4.4 billion people (60% of the world population). It is the fastest growing economic region and the largest continental economy by GDP PPP in the world. It has several of the world's oldest continuous literate civilizations, boasts a series of economic "miracles" and five of the world's nuclear powers. Political science has done much to inform our understanding of this diverse continent, but comparative political analysis has hitherto been relatively neglected. The Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, edited by Inoguchi Takashi, is thus certain to make a most valuable contribution.” Lowell Dittmer, Professor of Political Science and editor, Asian Survey, University of California, Berkeley. “I am an admirer of Takashi Inoguchi. I am confident that under his leadership, the new Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, will be a great success.” Tommy Koh, Ambassador-At-Large, Republic of Singapore.Published under the auspices of the Asian Consortium for Political Research (ACPR) and AJCP is partly financially supported by the Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (Grant in Aid for Publication of Science Research Results, 15HP2025), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science is greatly acknowledged.

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