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A Current Bibliography on African Affairs
₹84,971 -
ABC Journal Package: International Journal of Business Communication & Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
₹81,569 -
₹5,780 -
About Campus
₹48,243 -
Abstracts in Anthropology
₹171,600 -
Accounting History
₹94,414 -
Acta Sociologica
₹61,966 -
Action Research
₹104,891 -
Active Learning in Higher Education
₹95,315 -
Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research
₹42,311 -
Acupuncture in Medicine
₹167,759 -
Adaptive Behavior
₹90,245 -
ADCES in Practice
₹59,061 -
Administration & Society
₹253,953 -
Administrative Science Quarterly
₹52,256 -
Adoption & Fostering
₹53,629 -
Adult Education Quarterly
₹65,691 -
Adult Learning
₹40,130 -
Advances in Applied Ceramics
₹152,324 -
Advances in Communication and Swallowing
₹10,140 -
Advances in Developing Human Resources
₹19,891 -
Advances in Structural Engineering
₹211,924 -
Africa Spectrum