Environment and Urbanization

Environment and Urbanization (E&U) seeks to advance a more socially just and environmentally sustainable urban world through the provision of know … Read More

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SKU: 80301_113926 Categories: ,
Edition: International
Language: English
Published/Marketed by: SAGE Publications 80301
ISSN: 9770956247002
eISSN: 9771746030002

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About Environment and Urbanization Journal

Environment and Urbanization (E&U) seeks to advance a more socially just and environmentally sustainable urban world through the provision of knowledge. Our focus is the global South, where an estimated one in three of the urban population live in informal settlements and where more than half work within the informal economy. UN projections suggest that almost all the world’s growth in population in the next few decades will be in urban centres in the Global South.Contributors to E&U include those engaging with critical social science to add theoretical and conceptual insights, those reporting innovative empirical findings that augment our understanding of context and solutions (and their significance for theories and concepts), and those able to share the voices of activist representative groups and movements that are rarely seen in the scholarly literature. In other words, our journal aims both to advance social justice and be the change we strive for by encouraging contributions that share the perspectives of disadvantaged and marginalized groups.E&U particularly encourages researchers, NGO staff, professionals and activists in Africa, Asia and Latin America to write about their work, present their ideas and debate issues. We promote the work of French, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking authors by arranging for the translation of their work into English.Papers commonly deal with poverty, inequality, and the power relations underpinning both disadvantage and transformation. Papers also report on trends, policies, programmes and practices related to urbanization, urban development and urban environments. We are concerned with processes of progressive change, while recognizing that these are contested, and that change is neither uni-linear nor necessarily progressive. Urbanization processes are often poorly understood and papers that contribute insights supporting an accurate understanding of grounded realities are important to us. We recognize that sustainable development, including needed responses to climate change, is critical to both current and future populations, and that ecosystems have a critical role in the wellbeing of urban populations and the resilience of their cities. We encourage contributions related to such themes.Published since 1989, Environment and Urbanization is one of the most widely read and distributed journals in its field. Free or discounted subscriptions are available to NGOs and teaching/training institutions in the Global South.Each issue has a special theme and includes:around 7–11 papers on that themefeedback papers on the themes of previous issuespapers on climate changeDiscounted rates are available for charities and individuals, institutions and students in middle and low- income countries. This includes all nations in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Please contact +44 (0) 20 7324 8701 for more information.For a list of the themes of recent and forthcoming issues, see The full text of all papers published the journal (starting with Vol 1 No 1 in April 1989) is available at ; there is also a comprehensive search facility here that allows searches by (for instance) author, nation, city and subject.Environment & Urbanization ** Briefs: Five-page summaries of each issue of the journal are available in print and electronically; these are primarily for the staff of government departments, city authorities and development assistance agencies. These can be accessed at no charge at: Read what others have to say about Environment & Urbanization"The only journal that I don't push to the side of my desk when it arrives. I eagerly check its contents and before I know it the journal is on the desk of a colleague or postgrad. It is uncannily relevant. Probably because it is rooted in the real policy debates of our day. And because it takes cities seriously." - Peter Newman, Professor of City Policy, Murdoch University, and Director of Sustainability Policy Unit, Western Australian GovernmentWhat I especially appreciate about this journal is that (a) it contains many pieces from our colleagues in Asia, Africa and Latin America; and (b) that it taps NGO work, academic work, agency work – in short the very wide range of sources that we need, in order to understand the extremely diverse and changing nature of this very important subject." - Richard Stren, Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto"An essential resource for anyone interested in reducing urban poverty and improving urban livelihoods. It provides a unique international meeting place for the sharing of experiences, resources, and research-based information. It bridges the gap between research and practice in ways that no other publication does." - James Garrett, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)"By far the best, most accessible journal for policy and applied research on the 'brown agenda' of the environment of cities." - Mike Douglass, Professor of Urban & Regional Planning, University of Hawaii"In this journal, more than any other, urban theory and research gets to meet urban policy and practice - and the party is very lively! Its particularly strong in its analysis of governance and civic participation at the community level." - Roger Hart, Children's Environments Research Group, New YorkSAGE also publishes a sister journal to Environment & Urbanization, called Urbanisation, in association with the Indian Institute for Human Settlements_. Urbanisation_ can be accessed from

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