Critical Social Policy

· Welcomes contributions from activists, advocates, academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and users of services who are engaging with perspect … Read More

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SKU: 80301_113810 Categories: ,
Edition: International
Language: English
Published/Marketed by: SAGE Publications 80301
ISSN: 9770261018007
eISSN: 9771461703007

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About Critical Social Policy Journal

· Welcomes contributions from activists, advocates, academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and users of services who are engaging with perspectives on social justice.· Intervenes in social policy debates through critical approaches to social policy and welfare. · Interrogates conventional approaches to social policy by engaging with questions of political, economic, social and cultural power, resistance and emancipation.· Engages with questions of identity, position and power such as class, gender, ‘race’, disability, sexuality and age to counteract exclusion, subordination and domination. · Uses a collective editorial approach to nurture and promote alternatives to more traditional academic practices. Two types of papers may be submitted for consideration:Articles (6,000 – 8,000 words, including abstract, keywords, references and endnotes) may either report original research, or review and critically analyse aspects of social policy which are within the journal’s aims and scope. All articles are expected to be theoretically informed. Articles reporting original research must include an overview of the research methods used, including a consideration of ethical issues. Detailed specialist knowledge on the part of readers should not be assumed. Articles on social policy from all national contexts are welcome. All articles should be accompanied by a cover letter confirming the word count, (including endnotes and references), that the text has been fully anonymised, including self-citations; -and that the article is not being considered for publication in any other context or format; giving the full name and affiliation of the author; the corresponding author’s postal and email address; a short biography (50-100 words) of the author including affiliation and details if appropriate of up to two recent publications. All documents should be in Word format. Articles and cover letters should be emailed to David Taylor at Commentaries (3,000-4,000 words, including abstract, keywords, references and endnotes) differ from longer articles in that they do not usually report original research and they must be topical, i.e. they should relate to a change in policy or be concerned with a policy which has recently been newsworthy. Commentaries may be used to offer service user or frontline practitioner perspectives on the implementation of social policies. Commentaries may also be used to challenge or debate positions adopted by authors of recently published CSP articles; where this happens the authors of the original article will normally be offered a right of reply. Commentaries from all national contexts are welcome. (All Commentaries must also be accompanied by a cover letter.)If you are considering submitting to Critical Social Policy, please see our  for those wishing to publish in the journal. Themed Issues: CSP normally publishes one themed issue per year/volume. Calls for themed issues will be announced on this site and in journal. Potential themed issue editors may contact David Taylor, the Editorial Co-ordinator, on for further information and an update on future dates.CSP Launches ‘The Critical Social Policy Solidarity Fund’The Critical Social Policy Solidarity Fund gives small grants to activists, advocates, practitioners, and users of service groups to enable actions for socialist, feminist, anti-racist and radical standpoints to social policy, welfare and the state. Due to their radical, subversive, revolutionary mission and aims, some projects may find it hard to secure funding, or have no source of funding. The Critical Social Policy Solidarity Fund is for difficult to fund projects/actions/ideas that are in harmony with the mission of Critical Social Policy. The Critical Social Policy Solidarity Fund welcomes and, will give consideration to, applications from all over the world.From 2019 onwards there will be one deadline per year for applications: 20th MayFor details about how to apply please see , and ."Critical Social Policy is essential reading for anyone involved in social policy" Peter Taylor-Gooby University of Kent"Critical Social Policy manages to combine increasing maturity with a youthful vigour, always offering a challenging perspective on current issues in social policy" Lesley Doyal University of Bristol"Critical Social Policy provides serious analyses on contemporary social issues. Its pages are full of insights into policy, innovations in practice and theoretical developments. Besides stimulating the intellect, its articles convey a passionate commitment to the creation of a more humane society - a vision sorely needed in a monetarist world like ours." Lena Dominelli University of SheffieldAll issues of Critical Social Policy is available on .Living Activist Struggles to End Injustice : Call for ContributionsAre you an activist, advocate, practitioner, user of service groups, working to end social injustice? Critical Social Policy is an influential international platform that could enable you, your group or your campaign to tell others about your struggles of resistance, emancipation, and political transformation. Critical Social Policy wants to hear from you and seeks to be as inclusive and supportive as possible. Think about sending in a contribution for publication. In addition, The Critical Social Policy Solidarity Fund seeks to support activist projects that align with the aims and mission of Critical Social Policy. .All other correspondence to:Suryia NayakSchool of Health and Society, C612 Allerton Building, University of Salford, Salford, M6 6UP, UK

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