Sociology & Anthropology Journal Subscription
Showing 49–72 of 94 results for Sociology & Anthropology
Journal of European Studies
₹111,639 -
Journal of Health and Social Behavior
₹62,069 -
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
₹100,219 -
Journal of Material Culture
₹116,733 -
Journal of Social Inclusion Studies
₹5,520 -
Journal of Social Studies Research
₹36,607 -
Journal of Sociology
₹69,220 -
Journal of Sport and Social Issues
₹123,709 -
Journal of Travel Research
₹143,855 -
Literature, Critique, and Empire Today
₹93,807 -
Multimodality & Society
₹43,858 -
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
₹65,012 -
OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying
₹113,593 -
Samajik Vimarsh
₹5,970 -
Science, Technology & Human Values
₹141,626 -
Small Group Research
₹174,461 -
Social Change
₹10,610 -
Social Marketing Quarterly
₹52,553 -
Social Psychology Quarterly
₹62,069 -
Social Science Computer Review
₹146,513 -
Social Science Information
₹111,860 -
Social Studies of Science