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About Bpositive Magazine
A monthly general interest health & lifestyle magazine. The content of the magazine gives in general Health and Lifestyle tips for eg- Top stress busting foods, benefits of walking, Yoga for memory, Hairstyles for Spring, Diet for Anemia etc. Overall the magazine has four sections on which editorial content is based at -1) Healthcare 2) Wellbeing 3) Fitness & Beauty 4) Diet & Nutrition, apart from the detailed Medical articles (The content in the magazine is provided by the Apollo Group Panel experts reaping 30 long years of experience, right from the inception of Apollo Group hospitals, as-well various renowned experts in each field from across the globe
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Publisher Profile - Life Time Wellness RX International
The Bpositive English version - A monthly general interest health & lifestyle magazine. The content of the magazine gives in general Health and Lifestyle tips for eg- Top stress busting foods, benefits of walking, Yoga for memory, Hairstyles for Spring, Diet for Anemia etc. Overall the magazine has four sections on which editorial content is based at -1) Healthcare 2) Wellbeing 3) Fitness & Beauty 4) Diet & Nutrition, apart from the detailed Medical articles (The content in the magazine is provided by the Apollo Group Panel experts reaping 30 long years of experience, right from the inception of Apollo Group hospitals, as-well various renowned experts in each field from across the globe)
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