Journal Subscription
Showing 1849–1872 of 2040 results for Journals
Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the
₹114,912 -
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
₹149,694 -
Statistical Modelling
₹45,180 -
Strategic Organization
₹116,563 -
Strength, Fracture and Complexity
₹32,911 -
String Research Journal
₹13,624 -
Structural Health Monitoring
₹144,631 -
Studia Liturgica
₹10,126 -
Studies in Christian Ethics
₹50,852 -
Studies in History
₹6,450 -
Studies in Indian Politics
₹6,510 -
Studies in Microeconomics
₹9,680 -
Studies in People’s History
₹6,510 -
Studies in Psychology
₹89,376 -
Studies in Religion/ Sciences Religieuses
₹27,958 -
Substance Use & Addiction Journal
₹121,303 -
Surface Engineering
₹424,756 -
Surgical Innovation
₹203,133 -
Teacher Education and Special Education
₹47,596 -
Teachers College Record
₹207,761 -
Teaching Exceptional Children
₹51,002 -
Teaching of Psychology
₹107,942 -
Teaching Sociology
₹63,228 -
Technology and Disability